2020 Schedule
Monthly Meeting Dates
January 13, 14 July 13, 14
February 10, 11 August 10, 11
March 9, 10 September 14, 15
April 13, 14 October 12, 13
May 11, 12 November 9, 10
June 8, 9 December 14, 15
Field trips for 2020
January Local Yarn Shop in Montebello
April A mill tour
July Arapahoe County Fair
October Spinning contest
Work days in 2020
At Sara's Studio from 10am - 3pm
Bring lunch and projects. Use this time to do larger jobs such as wash fleece, block finished projects or dye.
February 8
May 9
August 8
November 14
Other places Woolly Weirdos will be in 2020
Yarn Fest in Loveland, Colorado April 30 - May 3
Here is the skirting table where raw fleece begins and the tumbler is to the right, both of these help to get dirt out before washing.
Here I have my Cricket ridged heddle loom and a small sitting area. On the shelves behind are the spinning, dyeing and weaving sections, as well as fiber, history and some reference books.
This is the skeiner. It can help you to make very long skeins for space dyeing.
Up next is the blocking area, to expertly finish those finished pieces. There is a steamer, sock blockers and a sweater blocker available for use. The table is 6 feet by 6 feet square.
Here is the rack to dry washed fleece on.
Here is the larger sitting area. As you can see many tools are available to be used; hooks, needles, scissors, stitch markers and many, many other items.
Here are the sinks used to wash fleece in. We have Dawn dish soap available or you can bring your own. The orange bucket on the wall is a commercial size salad spinner for removing excess water from a finished piece or from fleece.
This is the dye studio. It currently has a slow cooker and microwave. Hoping to get the cook top wired soon. Natural dyes and choices of acid dyes are available.
This is the winding station. Wind those skeins into cakes or into larger skeins on the skeiner. There is also a tool to help count yardage.
Hope your enjoyed the tour and it would be great if you could join us sometime.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!